Happy Back to the Future Day! If You Could Time Travel, Would Your Insurance Hold Up?

October 21, 2024

As we celebrate the legendary time travels of Marty McFly and Doc Brown, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on how our insurance needs might evolve over time. But what if you could hop into a time-traveling DeLorean, zoom ahead to your future, and figure out exactly what insurance coverage you’ll need today?

Let’s explore what insurance decisions might look like if we had a glimpse into the future.

Time-Traveling for Coverage

Imagine this: You’re Marty McFly, and you’ve just traveled to the future. You’ve seen what’s to come—maybe your family grows, your personal assets increase, your home changes, or you start a new business. Now, armed with future knowledge, you come back to the present and ask your insurance agent for the exact policy coverage you’ll need for your future lifestyle. Easy, right?

Not so fast! While it’s fun to think about, insurance is about planning for the unknown. We never know what the future holds, but a solid insurance policy ensures that no matter what happens, you’re prepared.

The Lessons of Doc Brown’s Mansion

Remember that curious bit from the "Back to theFuture" series about Doc Brown’s mansion burning down? According to co-writer Bob Gale, Doc’s fortune was largely gone by the time of the events in the film. If only Doc had better homeowners insurance! A comprehensive policy might have helped him rebuild his fortune (or at least his home).

So, what can we learn from Doc? Even with a genius-level IQ and time travel, unpredictable events happen, making insurance critical for financial stability. You never know if a lightning bolt will hit your house or if some futuristic flying skateboard accident might occur.

Future-Proofing Your Policies

The truth is, we may not have access to a DeLorean, but we don’t need one to make smart insurance decisions. By assessing your needs today and staying in touch with your insurance agent regularly, you can stay ahead of life’s changes.

Would future-you want more robust business insurance? Have your business or personal assets increased, creating the need for higher limits of liability? Have you moved on from your “starter home” to a bigger property?  Or maybe an umbrella policy to cover unexpected liabilities? Talking through these scenarios now is the best way to stay protected without needing a time machine.

Great Scott! We know, this is heavy!

But don’t worry, you don’t need a flux capacitor to prepare for the future. Contact Schaub Insurance Agency today, and let’s review how to ensure your policies meet the needs of both your present—and your future!